muscles tense

美 [ˈmʌslz tens]英 [ˈmʌslz tens]
  • 肌肉紧张;绷紧肌肉
muscles tensemuscles tense
  1. He takes a deep breath and feels his muscles tense , then relax .


  2. When pain strikes , we attempt to keep the back as immobile as possible , which makes the muscles tense up .


  3. You know what happens when you 've been sitting at your desk too long : Your muscles tense up , your eyes glaze over , and your energy lags .


  4. When people get scared , their bodies automatically triggers the " fight or flight " responsetheir heart rates increase , they breathe faster , their muscles tense , and their attention focuses for quick and effective responses to threats .


  5. All his muscles were tense , and his nerves and heart were all at the ready .


  6. My body would never tire and my muscles would never tense .


  7. His muscles are hard and tense .
